Herts - Bucks - Middx - UK Wide



Welcome to TOPstring.co.uk.

After being trained by an ex-Wimbledon head stringer over 10 years ago, I started TOPstring.co.uk in my spare time as a racquet stringing & suitability specialist.

With so many string options available, the core offering has always been to align string suitability with the players needs along with offering TOP quality racquet stringing & TOP customer service.

Today, I still continue to run the service in my spare time & over the last 3 years since moving to Maple Cross have developed the business model into a unique self service offering.

This hassle free model enables new & existing customers to get the right strings suitable after a free 5 minute free telephone consultation & then drop & collect racquets inside & outside standard retail hours to suit their availability.

Over the years, TOPstring has helped hundreds of players onto suitable string sets & our loyal consistently returning customers range from beginners to national players.

Stringing machines used are for each category & electric (not crank or drop-weight). Additional customisation includes racquet grip fitting, grommet repairs, frame weighting, debris removal, frame taping plus stringing tuition.

Whether you are passing through for information only or need your racquet strung at the highest quality, I hope the service & guidance in our help section can help you build your knowledge & on-court confidence.

Racquet string choice can play a vital part in your on-court development and it is worth investing the time to help understand the choices available. 


  • UKRSA Pro Stringer Cert
  • ERSA Customisation Cert
  • 14 yrs experience 
  • Stringing up to national players
  • Tennis, squash & badminton 
  • LTA Level 2 Coach Credited

    Where are we:

    • Visits by advance appointment
    • Maple Cross, Rickmansworth, Herts
    • 10 mins drive from J17 on M25

    Contacting us:

    • Call or text 07717 162581
    • Mon-Sun: 9am-8pm
    • Bank Hols: 11am-4pm

    Warm regards,

    Mark Everett
